HomemcqHTML CSS Multiple Choice Questions and Answers HTML CSS Multiple Choice Questions and Answers Raju Sheoran 1. What is the full form of CSS? i). Casecading Styles Sheet ii). Cascading Style Sheets iii). Casacoding Style Sheets iv). None of the Above 2. How many types of CSS? i). 1 ii). 2 iii). 3 iv). 4 3. Inline CSS is added using ____________ i). using style tag ii). using style attribute iii). using link tag iv). both ii). and iii). 4. Which one is the correct syntax to include internal CSS? i). <style> p { color: red; } </style> ii). <p style="color: red;"> CSS Master Series </p> iii). <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> iv). None of the above 5. Which one is the correct syntax to include external CSS? i). <link relation="stylesheet" href="style.css"> ii). <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> iii). <link rel="stylesheet" src="style.css"> iv). None Want to Learn CSS: Click Here 6. Which of the following is the correct way to apply CSS styles? i). <p link="color:red;"> CSS Master Series </p> ii). <p href="color:red;"> CSS Master Series </p> iii). <p src="color:red;"> CSS Master Series </p> iv). <p style="color:red;"> CSS Master Series </p> 7. Which CSS property is used to add font-family? i). font-families: 'sans-serif', Poppins; ii). font-family: 'sans-serif', Poppins; iii). Both i). and ii). iv). None of the above 8. Which CSS property is used to set the size of HTML text? i). size ii). fonts-size iii). font-size iv). None 9. What are the values of CSS font-weight property? i). bold, lighter, bolder, width, normal, revert ii). bold, lighter, bolder, unset, normal, inherit iii). bold, lighter, bolder, unset, normal, justify iv). All of the above 10. CSS describes the_____ i). Structure of a webpage ii). Skeleton of a webpage iii). Layout of the webpage iv). None Want to learn CSS: Click Here 11. What is the extension for external CSS files? i). css ii). .css iii). ,css iv). None 12. Inline CSS is written in the______? i). CSS file ii). In the head tag iii). In the link tag iv). In the opening tag 13. Internal CSS is written in the______? i). CSS File ii). In the link tag iii). In the style tag iv). None 14. Element selectors are used to target the_________? i). Target the HTML element by style ii). Target the HTML element by script iii). Target the HTML element by tag name iv). None of the above 15. Which one is used for id selector in CSS? i). . ii). # iii). $ iv). None of the above Want to Learn About CSS selectors: Click Here 16. Which one is used for class selector in CSS? i). . ii). $ iii). # iv). None 17. Font properties is used to change the _______? i). Font Element, Content, Text ii). Font Content, Color, Text iii). Font Size, Color, Style iv). None of the above 18. What is the correct syntax for font size? i). font size: 14px; ii). font-size: 14px; iii). font_size: 14px; iv). FontSize: 14px; 19. Which CSS property is used to bold the text? i). font-bold: bold; ii). font-text: bold; iii). font-weight: bold; iv). font-weights: bold; 20. Which CSS Property is used to specify the space between the fonts? i). line-height: 10px ii). font-space: 10px; iii). line_height: 10px iv). Both ii). and iii). Want to learn CSS from scratch: Click Here 21. Which CSS property is used to set the color of the text? i). color: #e65b00; ii). text_color: #e65b00; iii). font-color: #e65b00; iv). None of the above 22. Which CSS property is used to set the text alignment in center? i). text-align: center; ii). text-alignment: center; iii). align: center; iv). alignment: center; 23. Which property is used to specify text in uppercase? i). transform: uppercase; ii). font-transform: uppercase; iii). text-transform: uppercase; iv). All of the above 24. Which property is used to set the text decoration? i). text-decorate: underline; ii). text-decoration: underline; iii). decorate: underline; iv). None of the above 25. Which CSS property is used to specify space between the words in a text? i). space-between: 50px; ii). text-between: 50px; iii). Both i). and ii). iv). word-spacing: 50px; 26. Correct syntax to add text-shadow? i). text-shadow: 10px 10px red; ii). text_shadow: 10px 10px red; iii). text-shadows: 10px 10px red; iv). All of the above 27. Which property is used to specify the space between characters in the text? i). character-spacing: 10px; ii). letter-spacing: 10px; iii). Both i). and ii). iv). None of the above 28. RGB color value can be from _______ i). 0 t0 355 ii). 0 t0 244 iii). 0 to 255 iv). None of the above 29. What are the default parameters to set RGB value? i). rgb(red, green, black) ii). rgb(red, green, blue) iii). rgb(red, green, blueviolet) iv). None of the above 30. Correct syntax to set RGB color value? i). color: rgb(200, 120, 190); ii). color: rgb(200, 320, 190); iii). color: rgb(200, 720, 255); iv). All of the above Great man, you completed CSS quiz 🤩 So now if you want to sharpen your skills then: Click Here Or if you want to take HTML quiz then: Click Here Tags css-quiz mcq Newer Older