What is HTML?
- HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.
- It is used to create the structure of the webpage.
- HTML is a markup language, not a programming language.
- With only HTML we can create a static website.
- It is used to display the data or content on the web browser.
- HTML contains tags and attributes to create web pages.
- Most of the HTML tags are self-closing tags.
Structure of HTML
A basic template or piece of code which defines the structure of the HTML document.
DOCTYPE: It defines the type of document.
html: Root element of the html document from where we start writing html code.
head: It is used to contain meta data.
title: Defines the title of the web page.
body: It contains all the content which will be displayed on the web browser.
HTML Tags:
Tags are used to markup the html elements or use to hold the html elements.
Example: <h1>, <p>, <br>, <table>, <img>, etc.
HTML Element:
HTML element defines that how to display the content of HTML document on the web browser.
<p>Hello Developers, Welcome to HTML Simplified Series</p>In the give example: <p> is the starting tag and </p> is closing tag for paragraph.
HTML Attributes:
Attributes provides the additional information of the element. And it defines in the starting tag.
<a href="https://www.geekshelp.org">Click Here</a>href is attribute which specifies the URL of the page.