Classification of Computer on Different Basis with Examples

Classification of Computer on Different Basis with Examples

Computer systems are divided on the basis of their size, speed, cost, model, and purpose these are called the classification of the computer.

There are some types of the computer on which the computer system is classified: on the basis of purpose, types of data which they are capable of manipulating, on the basis of price, size, and capabilities.

Hence, today's computers are classified based on their mode of use. According, to its classification, computers are classified as notebook computers, personal computers, workstations, mainframe systems, supercomputers, client and server computers, and hand-held computers. 

Classification of Computer on the basis of purpose

On the basis of purpose, a computer is classified into two types:

i) Special Purpose Computer

ii) General Purpose Computer

1. Special Purpose Computers

These types of computers are specially used to solve a dedicated type of problem. These computers are basically, more expensive as compared to general-purpose computers. The cost, Size, and Performance of these computers depend on the nature of the work. For, their specialized use, these computers are extremely efficient and economical.

Example: Traffic control, ATM machine, Defence oriented applications,  aircraft landing, etc.

2. General-Purpose Computer

These types of computers are versatile and flexible. These computers are basically, used in day-to-day life. These computers are used such as writing letters, word documents, printing any document file, creating a database, and much more.

These computers are used to solve a variety of problems by changing the program and instructions. Example: Laptops, Desktops, Smartphones, etc.

Classification Of Computer On The Basis Of Data Processing

1. Digital Computers

According, to its name these are the computers that are used to represent data in digital form, such as letters, numbers, and special symbols.

These computer systems represent data in binary numbers systems such as 0 or 1. These computers represent only binary digits so these are very fast computers. Due to fast speed, these computers are mostly used in business and scientific data processing. But these computers are slow as compared to analog computer systems.

Digital computer systems can perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and other logical operation such as less than, greater than, equal to, and many more. These systems perform text and graphical data with full accuracy.

Example of Digital Computers are

  • PC

  • Calculator

  • Digital Clock
  • Laptops
  • Digital watches, etc.

2. Analog Computers

Analog computer data is represented as physical quantities. In these computers, data is represented continuously. These computer systems are used where data is always changeable. Analog computers do not have input and output devices.

These computers are mainly used to measure physical units like. electricity current, voltmeter, thermometer, etc, and convert them into digits. Analog computers are most often used for scientific and engineering purposes. Analog computers are slow. 

Example of analog computers are:

  • Voltmeter

  • Thermometer

  • Barometer

  • vehicle speedometer, etc.

3. Hybrid Computers

A hybrid computer is the combined feature of digital on analog computers which takes input in analog form process it in digital form and then gives the output in the form of analog. The main purpose of designing a hybrid computer to provide both features of analog and digital in a single computer system.

Hybrid computer systems are mainly used in large-scale organizations to solve logical and technical calculations. These computer systems have fixed programs to solve a specific problem.

These computer systems are very fast as compare to the digital computer systems and analog computer systems. These computers involve analog to digital converter at the input and digital to analog converter at the output end.


  • Scientific laboratory

  • Airline Sectors

  • Gasoline pumps stations 

  • Scientific Calculations
  • Weather systems, etc.

Classification Of Computer By Size

1. Super Computers

Supercomputers are the most powerful computers. These computer systems are very fast, large in size, large storage capacity, as compared to other computer systems. These computer systems are specially designed to perform a large amount of data in a short time period with full accuracy. Supercomputers are designed to perform specific tasks. 

Supercomputers are very powerful, fast, and have a large capacity of storage so these computers are very huge and costly due to their nature. These computer systems are mainly used in a firm, industries, scientific research, etc.

Supercomputers use multi-processing and parallel-processing technology to solve complex problems in a short time with full accuracy. In these computers, multiprocessing techniques divide big problems into smaller problems that different processors can perform in parallel. A parallel program divides a big problem into smaller problems and then it will become easier and the computer system can perform it in an easy way.

Example of supercomputer

  • Param(India's first supercomputer)

  • CDC 6600
  • Fugaku
  • Kraken
  • Roadrunner, etc.

2. Mainframe Computers

Mainframe computers are basically large in size and these computer systems have great memory storage to store a large amount of data and these computers have a great powerful processing speed. Mainframe computers are very costly. 

These computer systems can work many hours and on a mainframe computer system one or more users can work at a time. Multics was a mainframe time sharing operating system that was developed at Bell Laboratories.

Mainframe computers are basically, used in a big firm, scientific and business application. These computer systems can handle multiple inputs at a time with full processing speed and with full accuracy.  These computer systems have two processors one is Main Processor and another is System Assistant Processor.

Basically, these computer systems are not made for a normal person or normal work. These computers are mainly used in big organizations, commercial purposes, scientific problems, etc. So, mainframe computers are mainly made for special purpose so, these computer are required a special OS(Operating System).

3. Mini Computers

Minicomputers are smaller in size, faster, and less expensive but these computers are costly as compared to Personal Computer(PC). Minicomputers are designed for real-time dedicated multi-user applications. Minicomputers are converted into supercomputers using the 80386 super chips.

A supercomputer can process 5Lac process in a second. Minicomputers are introduced in mid-1960s. These computers are also known as mid-range computers. These computers are multi-user systems which mean on these computers one or more user can work at the same time. These computers are used in Accounting and Business.

Examples of Mini-Computers

  • HP-9000
  • IBM-17
  • DEC PDP 11
  • BULL HN-DPX2, etc.

4. Micro Computers

Microcomputers are introduced in 1970. These computer systems are known as Personal Computer. A microcomputer is whose central processing unit consists of a microprocessor. A microprocessor is an integrated circuit. These computers consume less power supply and these computers are most widely used and fastest-growing computers. 

Microcomputers are mainly used for personal work, education, and entertainment. So, a normal person can buy a microcomputer easily because of less expensive and these computers are easy to use. A microcomputer uses a single processor that performs all arithmetic and logical operations.

These computer systems use disk tape and magnetic tape for storage whose capacity in GB(GigaByte).

There are mainly four types of micro-computers are Laptop, Tablet, Handheld and PC(Personal Computer). The processing speed of micro-computers is 1lac per second. 

Examples of Microcomputer

  • Apple MAC
  • IBM PS/2
  • PS 386

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