What are Semantic Elements in HTML?
- The elements in HTML which define their meaning are semantic elements.
- And also these elements describe their content.
Semantic Elements
i). form: Used to take the data from the user to process on the server.
ii). table: Used to represent the data in tabular form.
iii). article: Used to contain, blog posts, articles, comments, etc.
iv). header: It is used to create the header part on the web page.
v). nav: It is used to create a navigation bar. And it contains many navigation links.
vi). main: This specifies the main content on the web page.
vii). footer: Used to create the footer of the web page.
viii). section: It is used to create section on the web page.
ix). details: It is used to define additional details that a user can view or hide
x). aside: It is used to create a sidebar on the webpage.
What are Non-Semantic Elements in HTML?
- The elements in HTML which don't represent any meaning.
- And these elements don't describe anything about their content.
Non-Semantic Elements:
i). div: It is used to create the division of content on the web pages.
ii). span: It is used to mark up a part of the text.
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