Hey there, in this article we are going to discuss Top 40 JavaScript Interview Questions that are frequently asked in interviews by interviewers. In this I have created a list where you will get all type of Interview Questions. So check the list given below:

JavaScript Basic Interview Questions
1. Explain what is JavaScript?
2. Describe the difference between let, var and const in JavaScript.
3. Explain What is Hoisting in JavaScript and How it works?
4. Explain closure in JavaScript with example.
5. Explain event loop in JavaScript
6. Explain the difference between == and === in JavaScript.
7. How to check type of variable in JavaScript?
8. What is the use of this keyword in JavaScript?
9. What is the key difference between function declarations and function expressions in JavaScript?
10. How settimeout function works in JavaScript?
JavaScript Questions on Functions and Scope
11. What is a callback function in JavaScript?
12. What is pure function in JavaScript?
13. Explain the difference between function.call, function.apply and function.bind.
14. What is the purpose of the arguments object in a JavaScript function?
15. How to create closure in JavaScript?
16. Why do we use bind in JavaScript?
17. Explain the difference between shallow copy and deep copy in JavaScript.
18. How call stack works in JavaScript?
19. What is function currying in JavaScript?
20. How to avoid callback hell in JavaScript?
JavaScript Questions on Objects and Prototypes
21. What is prototypal inheritance in JavaScript?
22. How to create an object in JavaScript?
23. What is the purpose of the prototype property in JavaScript?
24. Explain the difference between Object.create and the constructor pattern.
25. How to add property in object in JavaScript?
26. What is the use of hasownproperty in JavaScript?
27. How you cand prevent modification of objecct properties in JavaScript?
28. Explain the use of new keyword in JavaScript?
29. Explain the concept of Object Destructuring in JavaScript?
30. Explain the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?
JavaScript Questions on DOM Manipulation and Events
31. What is the dom and how does it relate to HTML?
32. How to select element in JavaScript?
33. What is event delegation in JavaScript?
34. What does addeventlistener do in JavaScript?
35. How to create and remove element with JavaScript in DOM?
36. Explain event propagation in JavaScript.
37. How can you prevent the default behaviour of an event?
38. Use of data attribute in HTML.
39. Explain the difference between innerhtml innertext and textcontent.
40. How does JavaScript handle asynchronous code?
In this article I have shared the Top 40 JavaScript Interview Questions for Beginners and experienced. You can revise all these JavaScript Interview Questinos before your interview. And all the best from Geeks Help 💖