What is Internet and How It Works?
Internet The Internet is a global network that links the World Wide Web and billions of computers worldwide to one ano…
ReenaInternet The Internet is a global network that links the World Wide Web and billions of computers worldwide to one ano…
ReenaStructured Programming Structured programming is a programming paradigm that heavily utilizes block structures, subrout…
ReenaWide Area Network Wide Area Network is referred to as WAN. It is a computer network made up of two or more LANs or MANs…
ReenaComputer Language A computer language is a formal language made up of a vocabulary and a set of rules that are used to…
ReenaProgramming Methodology Programming methodology is the strategy used to analyze such complicated issues, plan for softw…
ReenaWhat is a Computer Virus? A computer virus is a kind of malware that joins itself to another program such as a document…
ReenaPeripheral Devices Peripheral devices are secondary devices of a computer system such as keyboard, mouse, etc Keybo…
Geeks HelpClick Here Operating System (OS): OS works as a mediator between user and hardware or it provides an interface bet…
Geeks HelpInternet and Multimedia Internet It is a network of networks or a worldwide system of computer networks. An interne…
Geeks HelpClick Here What You Will Learn (toc) Computer: It is a man-made electronic machine. Which use 0 or 1 to store da…
Geeks HelpFile Transfer Protocol (FTP) On a computer network, the file transfer protocol is a common communication protocol that…
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