Properties of Search Algorithm in Artificial Intelligence
Search Algorithms in AI A search algorithm is a kind of algorithm used in artificial intelligence that explores a set o…
ReenaSearch Algorithms in AI A search algorithm is a kind of algorithm used in artificial intelligence that explores a set o…
ReenaBreadth-First Search (BFS) An algorithm for graph traversal called Breadth First Search investigates every vertex in a…
ReenaDepth-First Search (DFS) An approach for traversing trees and graph-like data structures is called depth-first search. …
ReenaResolution in AI The resolution technique is an inference rule that has distinct applications in propositional and firs…
ReenaClausal Form in AI First-order logic is subdivided into clausal forms. In this standard form, a matrix and a universal …
ReenaInference in AI The process of using real-time data with an AI model that has been trained to generate predictions or c…
ReenaMini Max Algorithm A recursive or backtracking technique used in game theory and decision-making is the mini-max algori…
ReenaComputational Complexity in AI The amount of computational resources, such as time and memory, needed to execute an alg…
ReenaProduction System in AI A production system in artificial intelligence is a kind of rule-based system intended to offer…
ReenaExplanation-Based Learning in AI When a learning system is explanation-based, it takes an example and explains the less…
ReenaProblem in AI The question that has to be answered is the problem. A problem must be precisely specified to be solved. …
ReenaExpert System Shell in AI A skeleton expert system with the knowledge removed is called an expert system shell. All the…
ReenaInduction Learning in AI Inductive learning is the process of applying knowledge gained from real-world instances to so…
ReenaKnowledge Acquisition in AI The process of gathering, analyzing, comprehending, and remembering information via a varie…
ReenaExpert System Architecture in AI Building an expert system is commonly referred to as knowledge engineering. Expert sys…
ReenaExpert System An expert system is a computer program that mimics the decision-making and actions of a person or a group…
ReenaSyntactic Processing The initial phase of natural language processing is syntactic processing. Sentences in syntactic p…
ReenaLearning in Problem Solving Experience can help solve a problem. Experience boosts the efficiency of solving a similar …
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